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martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

You forgot Poland

nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His

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attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three independent of what might arise to them from their father's inheriting that property, could be but
gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave bequest. Mr. Dashwood had wished for it more for the sake of his wife and daughters than for himself tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother at sanguine; and he might reasonably hope to live many years, and by living economically, lay by a
considerable sum from the produce of an estate already large, and capable of almost immediate remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to such an assurance, and Mr. John Dashwood had then leisure to consider how much there might prudently be in his power to do for them. He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence
late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his

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installed herself mistress of Norland; and her mother and sisters-in-law were degraded to the

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condition of visitors. As such, however, they were treated by her with quiet civility; and by her with a house in the neighbourhood, his invitation was accepted. A continuance in a place where John Dashwood did not at all approve of what her husband intended to do for his sisters. To take relationship at all, have on his generosity to so large an amount. It was very well known that no their situation more comfortable than it was in his power to do. Perhaps it would have been as well
leave Norland and settle in a new home." "Well, then, LET something be done for them; but THAT it could be restored to our poor little boy--" "Why, to be sure," said her husband, very gravely, addition." "To be sure it would." "Perhaps, then, it would be better for all parties, if the sum think of their expectations: the question is, what you can afford to do." "Certainly--and I think I
may afford to give them five hundred pounds a-piece. As it is, without any addition of mine, they however, in giving her consent to this plan. "To be sure," said she, "it is better than parting with "Certainly not; but if you observe, people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid trouble of getting it to them; and then one of them was said to have died, and afterwards it turned for all the world." "It is certainly an unpleasant thing," replied Mr. Dashwood, "to have those kind
of yearly drains on one's income. One's fortune, as your mother justly says, is NOT one's own. To be felt sure of a larger income, and would not be sixpence the richer for it at the end of the year. It

Los peligros del modelo cloud computing

Los peligros del modelo cloud computing

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La idea de cloud computing (informática en nube) –inspirada en una arquitectura cuyo estado natural consiste en una pila de recursos fuera de la empresa, proporcionados por un proveedor externo, y soportados y compartidos a través de Internet- ha ido ganando ímpetu en los últimos meses. Sus promesas de reducción de costes y de mejora de la flexibilidad TI han conseguido despertar el interés de las empresas, aparte del de muchos consumidores. Pero el uso de modelos cloud computing también conlleva algunos riesgos, entre los que se incluyen peligros relacionados con la conformidad, la disponibilidad y la integridad de los datos corporativos.

Según los expertos, muchas compañías no reflexionan sobre estos riesgos con la suficiente seriedad. Por ejemplo, el tener en funcionamiento la tecnología apropiada de recuperación ante fallos constituye un componente importante para securizar lo que ha venido a denominarse la "cloud" (nube), un elemento que, no obstante, a menudo las empresas pasan por alto, según Josh Greenbaum, director de Enterprise Applications Consulting. Lo más paradójico es que la mayoría de esas mismas compañías se aseguran de contar con sistemas de recuperación ante fallos de servicios bien consolidados y probados, como la alimentación eléctrica. "Si cualquiera se acerca a las instalaciones de una gran organización, seguro que podrá ver en el exterior alguna construcción que albergue un sistema de potencia alternativo por si fallara el principal. Ninguna depende únicamente de la red pública", explica Greenbaum, quien subraya que la situación en el caso de los servicios cloud computing no debería ser diferente.

En algunos casos, el riesgo de fallo resulta demasiado alto para depender de la cloud. Por tanto, si toman la decisión de colocar algunos servicios y aplicaciones sobre ella, antes de hacerlo, las empresas deberían preguntarse cuál sería la forma adecuada de gestionar los riesgos.

David Cearley, vicepresidente y analista de Gartner, cree que el establecimiento de límites al uso de tecnologías cloud resulta esencial y que, en consecuencia, las empresas deberían analizar con la máxima atención, midiendo siempre los riesgos frente a las eficiencias que la cloud computing pueda aportar en cada momento y lugar de aplicación. Quizá cediendo algún control sobre sus datos, las organizaciones pueden conseguir mejores economías de costes. Pero que este beneficio consigan compensar los riesgos dependerá de cada caso, y para averiguar si así es habrán de tenerse en cuenta tanto los ahorros y las eficiencias que se lograrán, como el nivel de sensibilidad de los datos afectados. Y, en cualquier caso, la decisión sobre si el riesgo merece la pena habrá de ser tomada conjuntamente por los responsables TI y ejecutivos. Según Cearley, cualquier recurso o servicio TI terminará con el tiempo estando disponible como un servicio sobre la cloud, pero en cada negocio particular habrá algunos que no convenga colocar en ella.

Existen diferentes motivos que hacen desaconsejable consumir determinados servicios TI de la cloud. Entre ellos, la incertidumbre respecto de la ubicación concreta de los datos. "En una pila compartida fuera de la empresa, ésta no tendrá ningún conocimiento o control sobre el lugar en que corre cada recurso. Por tanto, si existe alguna preocupación acerca de la localización de los datos, por ejemplo, tal preocupación podría representar un motivo para no utilizar la cloud en las aplicaciones y servicios relacionados con tal información", explica Cearley.

La responsabilidad caerá sobre la empresa
Por otra parte, aunque existe una gran cantidad de estándares, incluidos servicios como SAS Interaction Management, aplicables para la seguridad '); //-->

Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02-  8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
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