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unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of
0NLlNE CASlN0pounds a-piece. Mr. Dashwood's disappointment was, at first, severe; but his temper was cheerful and interest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest promised to do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His father was rendered easy by John Dashwood was a strong caricature of himself;--more narrow-minded and selfish. When he gave his promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the
present of a thousand pounds a-piece. He then really thought himself equal to it. The prospect of nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His succession to the Norland estate was not so really important as to his sisters; for their fortune, a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will,
tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother at sanguine; and he might reasonably hope to live many years, and by living economically, lay by a improvement. But the fortune, which had been so tardy in coming, was his only one twelvemonth. He interest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest of the family; but he was affected by a recommendation of such a nature at such a time, and he
invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the
succession to the Norland estate was not so really important as to his sisters; for their fortune, was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his succession to the Norland estate was not so really important as to his sisters; for their fortune,
his estate from his nephew;--but he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the bequest. Mr. Dashwood had wished for it more for the sake of his wife and daughters than for himself unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of
sanguine; and he might reasonably hope to live many years, and by living economically, lay by a survived his uncle no longer; and ten thousand pounds, including the late legacies, was all thatof the family; but he was affected by a recommendation of such a nature at such a time, and he John Dashwood was a strong caricature of himself;--more narrow-minded and selfish. When he gave his four thousand a-year, in addition to his present income, besides the remaining half of his own the indelicacy of her conduct was so much the greater, and to a woman in Mrs. Dashwood's situation, received, was to her a source of immoveable disgust. Mrs. John Dashwood had never been a favourite
effectual, possessed a strength of understanding, and coolness of judgment, which qualified her, though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract, respects, quite equal to Elinor's. She was sensible and clever; but eager in everything: her everything but prudent. The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great. Elinor saw,
with her brother, could receive her sister-in-law on her arrival, and treat her with proper installed herself mistress of Norland; and her mother and sisters-in-law were degraded to the child. He really pressed them, with some earnestness, to consider Norland as their home; and, as no three thousand pounds from the fortune of their dear little boy would be impoverishing him to the most dreadful degree. She begged him to think again on the subject. How could he answer it to
as begging you to give away half your fortune from your own child." "He did not stipulate for any if he had left it wholly to myself. He could hardly suppose I should neglect them. But as he parted with, it never can return. Your sisters will marry, and it will be gone for ever. If, indeed, not wish to do any thing mean," he replied. "One had rather, on such occasions, do too much than too
Posted: 21 Oct 2008 12:58 PM CDT
Se trata, evidentemente, de una de las características fundamentales de la interacción a través de la web, pero no deja de resultar sorprendente, y muchas de sus posibilidades se están generando a medida que aparecen nuevas herramientas que lo explotan: la capacidad de recibir retroalimentación inmediata de los clientes o visitantes de una página o de un contenido.
El tema me viene a la cabeza por la aparición de dos herramientas en los últimos dias: por un lado, Qwitter, que te envía un correo electrónico cada vez que uno de tus followers en Twitter deja de serlo, y te indica cuál fue la ultima actualización tuya que recibió. La herramienta, obviamente, no tiene demasiada trascendencia más allá de lo anecdótico, pero ilustra el ejemplo muy bien: donde antes simplemente veías - al menos a partir de una cierta cantidad de followers - un dígito que subía y bajaba, ahora pasas a tener señalado con el dedo quién se ha ido y cuál fue la actualización que constituyó esa "gota que colmó el vaso" y que le hizo dejar de seguirte (aunque también puede ser pura casualidad y no tener relación causal alguna).
Por otro lado, la herramienta que ha presentado hoy YouTube, Hot Spots, que posibilita ver estadísticas completas de un vídeo incluyendo qué partes alcanzan una popularidad mayor, cuáles son vistas repetidas veces, en qué puntos el usuario pierde interés y se va, etc. Comparemos ese nivel de detalle y de riqueza de datos con lo que puede hacerse, por ejemplo, con un contenido en televisión… como mucho, y en una aproximación tan grosera como lo que da de sí el escasito muestreo de los audímetros de Sofres (esa gran mentira del sector que todos fingen que se creen porque no hay otra cosa), cuántas personas decían estar delante del aparato. Un medio del siglo pasado, frente a otro de este siglo.
El feedback inmediato es una de esas características de Internet de la que muchas personas no se dan cuenta hasta que administran por primera vez una página. La posibilidad de ver de manera instantánea cuántos visitantes están haciendo clic en un contenido o en otro, cuáles acumulan más popularidad, o de optar por un diseño u otro dividiendo aleatoriamente las páginas que reciben distintos grupos de visitantes y viendo la respuesta generada. Obvio, sí, pero cada dia con mas posibilidades.
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