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lunes, 6 de agosto de 2007

Chitika "Blog Dollars" Study says 500 Million

Chitika "Blog Dollars" Study says 500 Million

August 1st, 2007

Chitika has taken the first step to estimate the revenue in the blogosphere. In our Blog Dollars Study we have estimated that $500 million has been generated within the top 50k blogs in 2006.

Jump in on the active discussion now on TechCrunch, your feedback is highly encouraged!

This study was done as the first of more to come in the future. We will continue to update the revenue in the blogosphere using richer data.

Our first of many more blog dollar studies to come

This study was done as an initial attempt in establishing the advertising revenue of blogs. Suggestions for alternate methods of estimating these numbers as well as ideas for future studies are welcome and encouraged: blogdollarreport(at)chitika(dot)com


Rodrigo González Fernández
Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Telefono: 2084334- 5839786

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