tecchile.blogspot.com, otro blog de la organizacion de Rodrigo González Fernández, Santiago, Chile. Iremos buscando la informacion tenológica y nos contactaremos con los principales centros tecnologicos en la Red y el Mundo.Nos interesan las Redes sociales y vamos a disponer de cursos Nos interesa la Politica 2.0 el marketing politico2.0 consultas directo mi celular : 93934521
miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008
En poco tiempo, en forma natural, sin esfuerzo, podés llegar a
comunicarte en forma oral o escrita en inglés.
Cursando con nosotros, y cumpliendo con los requisitos mínimos
de asistencia, puntualidad y compromiso grupal, alcanzarás tus
objetivos y podrás comunicarte en forma oral y escrita, de
acuerdo al nivel realizado el próximo 4 de febrero.
Aprovechá la importante promoción de enero que te da un
descuento del 50%, y también un 10% adicional por inscripción
antes del 7 de enero.
Inicio de cursos Jueves 8 de enero de 2009
Si tenés dudas, podés optar por inscribirse solo por 5 clases y
si te agrada luego ampliar tu inscripción al nivel completo.
Realizá en forma gratuita y sin compromiso un Test de Evaluación
Global (solo le tomará unos minutos), y te indicaremos que nivel
necesitas cursar para alcanzar sus objetivos.
Probá como lo hicieron ya los 20 mil alumnos que hoy están
viajando por el mundo y haciendo negocios exitosos con un muy
buen manejo del idioma
Si querés más información sobre nuestro sistema.
Por email: Pulsando AQUI!
O llamanos al 011-4383-4412
La llegada de cada año está acompañada por avances tecnológicos. En esta nota conoceremos todo lo que vendrá en materia de software, hardware, telefonía móvil, televisión digital y video digital.
Novedades de software
Microsoft está trabajando en su nuevo sistema operativo, que llevará como nombre Windows 7. El sucesor de Windows Vista, ya cuenta con algunas versiones previas e imágenes que se han podido ver en las últimas semanas. Esta nueva versión traerá mejoras en el rendimiento, cambio en el uso de gadgets y novedades en las aplicaciones multimedia.
Se espera que su versión definitiva esté lista en el 2009 y pueda ser lanzada al público de todo el mundo en el 2010.
En cuanto a Windows Vista, se espera que el segundo service Pack de este sistema operativo (Windows Vista Service Pack 2) esté disponible en su versión final a partir del 2009. Este Service Pack, además de los parches correspondientes, trae mejoras en la conectividad y la posibilidad de grabación nativa en soporte Blu-ray.
Por el lado del paquete de oficina Microsoft, se espera que la nueva versión sea lanzada entre el 2009 y el 2010. El nombre que llevaría es Office 2009, aunque el proyecto es también conocido como Office 14.
Mientras tanto, Microsoft está desarrollando en un nuevo producto de seguridad informática bajo el nombre "Morro". Este producto, que estaría disponible en la segunda mitad del 2009 y se espera que pueda ser una eficaz herramienta para combatir virus, spywares, troyanos y otras amenazas informáticas. Será compatible con Windows XP, Windows Vista y Windows 7.
Por el lado de Internet, ya se encuentran disponibles las versiones Beta de Internet Explorer 8.
Para obtener Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 para Windows XP, hay que ingresar al siguiente enlace:
Para obtener Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 para Windows Vista y Windows Server 2008, hay que ingresar al siguiente enlace:
Algunas de las mejoras de esta versión son: sugerencias en la búsqueda, mejoras en la privacidad, pestañas agrupadas por colores, mejoras en materia de RSS y otras mejoras en la integración con servicios en línea.
La versión definitiva de Internet Explorer 8 estará llegando en el 2009 para los usuarios de todo el mundo.
En cuanto al mundo del software libre, se pueden encontrar novedades en los navegadores de manera periódica, tanto en el caso de Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome.
Por parte de los paquetes ofimáticos, en el mes de Octubre de 2008 se lanzó la versión 3.0 de OpenOffice, a la que se puede acceder de manera gratuita ingresando a http://es.openoffice.org/. Esta versión brinda compatibilidad con el paquete Microsoft Office 2007. Seguramente habrá nuevas revisiones de este software dentro del 2009.
Novedades de hardware para computación
Otra de las apuestas en el mundo de la informática para el 2009 y los años venideros, tiene que ver con la sostenida baja en los precios de las computadoras portátiles, siendo una opción cada vez más accesible para el usuario hogareño. Esto permite que podamos elegir libremente entre una PC de escritorio y una portátil, con una brecha en precios cada vez más pequeña.
Hoy en día uno de los principales estándar de conexión para la computadora es el famoso USB. Algunos dispositivos que utilizan este tipo de conexión son: pendrive, impresora, escáner, sintonizadoras de TV externas, cámaras digitales y reproductores multimedia portátiles, entre otros dispositivos.
La versión 3.0 de este estándar, ofrecerá 10 veces mayor velocidad (4.8 Gbps) que el actual 2.0 (480 Mbps). Con esta tecnología será posible transmitir datos a alta velocidad, especialmente todo lo relacionado con video digital y contenidos multimedia. Los dispositivos que puedan trabajar con este estándar, estarían llegando al público entre el 2009 y el 2010.
En cuanto a los discos duros, se espera una nueva reducción en su peso y en su tamaño, pasando de la medida estándar actual de 3,5" a 2,5". En cuanto a su capacidad, ya hay disponibles en el mercado unidades que pueden llegar a almacenar 2 TB (algo así como 2.000 GB de información). Se espera que en los próximos años se pueda seguir multiplicando este número.
A pesar de estas noticias, los discos duros, tal como los conocemos en la actualidad, tienden a desaparecer, dando paso a las memorias Flash como futuro en el almacenamiento de información. Esta tecnología, cuando logre mayor capacidad de almacenamiento, tendrá una importante aceptación, especialmente en equipos portátiles, por su versatilidad, su bajo peso, reducido consumo de energía y baja emisión de calor.
Otras novedades de tecnología
En el campo de la telefonía móvil, se comienza a imponer la tecnología de pantallas táctiles. El modelo iPhone 3G ya está disponible en Latinoamérica desde el segundo semestre del 2008. Sus tan comentadas características táctiles son uno de sus puntos fuertes. Si bien esta tecnología ya tiene un tiempo en este tipo de dispositivos, comienza a tomar un mayor impulso como una alternativa posible para los usuarios de telefonía móvil. Diversos fabricantes ya comienzan a plantear modelos con pantallas táctiles para lanzar en el 2009.
Estas características se ven integradas con cada vez más prestaciones multimedia que se incorporan en teléfonos móviles, desde reproducción de audio y video, pasando por radio incorporada a cámaras digitales de muy buena definición.
Europa y Estados Unidos se encuentran afianzados en el área de servicios de banda ancha para móviles y computadoras personales. Sin embargo el mayor crecimiento en este rubro se ha dado en América Latina y se espera que para el 2009 se mantenga esta tendencia.
En el mundo del video digital, el formato Blu-Ray logró imponerse sobre su competidor HD-DVD. Sin embargo su aceptación por los usuarios, aún es lenta, especialmente por su precio, que seguramente continuará bajando durante el 2009. Seguramente seguirá compartiendo el mercado con el DVD por un tiempo más, hasta lograr imponerse de manera definitiva.
La televisión digital de alta definición comienza a tener cada vez mayor peso de cara al futuro no tan lejano. Países pioneros como Japón y Estados Unidos han logrado llegar una importante cantidad de público. Europa es otro de los mercados donde este sistema ha ingresado. En Latinoamérica, México es uno de los países que ya ha dado varios pasos aprovechando esta tecnología. Esto también ha ocurrido en otros países de la región, aunque en algunos aún falta una legislación y una definición sobre el estándar a utilizar para este tipo de transmisión.
El panorama de la región aún muestra países que están en fase de prueba, mientras otros ya cuentan con emisoras que brindan este servicio y operadores de TV paga que ofrecen esta opción y que consideran a Latinoamérica una región en desarrollo en esta materia.a
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02- 8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación y consultoría en LIDERAZGO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL LOBBY BIOCOMBUSTIBLES , y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile
martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008
A TRAVÉS DE UNA PROPOSICIÓN NO DE LEYpremios para los blogs como elementos de creatividad
El PP creará un Premio Nacional del Blog
De salir adelante la propuesta, supondría el nacimiento del primer premio dedicado a los blogs y asociado a un organismo oficial en todo el mundo.»
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02- 8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación y consultoría en LIDERAZGO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL LOBBY BIOCOMBUSTIBLES , y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile
Basta de trabas para el envio de tus email, hace conocer tus ofertas o servicios
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Este es un lanzamiento exclusivo y como obsequio de Navidad te regalamos
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a la hora de realizar tu marketing personal.DESCARGA GRATIS AHORA ESTE PODEROSO SOFT
Despues que lo pruebes podras obtener tu licencia en promo hasta el 31/12
abonando solo 45 pesos de su costo real (75 Euros.) + de regalo el pack
de bases y un super pack de templates profesionales extras para tus envios.
Mensaje personal enviado a traves de SendBlaster Pro
a la casilla de email teletrabajochile.tecchile@blogger.com
Classmates - your invitation is ready to preview
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Lon Terrell. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates Organiser Warning - Don't Miss Tonight's Classmates Reunion !
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Miles Potter. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use Classmates.com to bring class together.
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Wilton Watts. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
An Invitation to Personal Classmates Day
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Antonio Bell. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Reunion - Personal Invitation
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Odessa Mock. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008
TELETRABAJO: Que Tecnologías debes tener para teletrabajar?
Tecnologías para teletrabajar
Hay muchas tecnologías disponibles para los teletrabajadores, aunque las imprescindibles son muy pocas y justamente por ser tan necesarias son muy utilizadas y fáciles de aprender.
De todos modos, cabe una aclaración importante: que sean imprescindibles no significa que el teletrabajador deba comprarse estas tecnologías ahora mismo, sino que deberá comenzar a familiarizarse con ellas para poder comunicarse con el mundo.
En este sentido, es bueno señalar que se puede ser teletrabajador sin tener PC; es posible acceder a una computadora en un cibercafé o la casa de un amigo, para abrir una cuenta de e-mail gratuita o una en sitios de venta como eBay o Guru y ponerse en marcha. Por supuesto que es mejor contar con equipos y tecnologías apropiadas, pero esto no es un impedimento para iniciarse como teletrabajador.
Tecnologías imprescindibles
- Una PC
- Conexión a Internet (de ser posible banda ancha)
- Correo electrónico
Por lo tanto, si ha utilizado PC, Internet y dispone de una dirección de correo electrónico ya está en condiciones de teletrabajar.
Tecnologías recomendadas
- Sitio web propio o blog personal
- Traductor automático: online o por software
- Cámara fotográfica digital
- Red social laboral online, como por ejemplo Xing o Linkedin
Tecnologías complementarias
- Software de oficina: editor de textos, planilla de cálculo, presentaciones y otros
- Software de telefonía por Internet (como Skype o Net2Phone)
- Software de mensajería instantánea (como Microsoft Messenger, Yahoo Messenger o Google Talk)
Si conoce o dispone de alguna de las tecnologías recomendadas y complementarias está aún en mejores condiciones para el Teletrabajo.
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02- 8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación y consultoría en teletrabajo - LIDERAZGO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL LOBBY BIOCOMBUSTIBLES , y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile
¿Qué es el Teletrabajo?
Es el trabajo realizado a distancia utilizando Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (más conocidas como TICs) para vender productos y servicios al mundo.
El concepto "a distancia" significa que se puede trabajar desde su casa, la de un familiar o amigo, un hotel, un restaurante, un ómnibus, un auto, un ciber o cualquier otro lugar.
Las TICs necesarias para estas tareas son básicamente PC, Internet, celular, teléfono y cámara digital, entre otras. Dentro de Internet se engloba principalmente la navegación web y el correo electrónico. Y, según el caso, blogs, sitios web, software de traducción, mensajería instantánea (chat) y telefonía IP (voIP).
Por ello, una definición corta y rápida de Teletrabajo es: "Teletrabajo es el trabajo a distancia usando Internet".
Las diferencias con el trabajo habitual son:
- Permite trabajar desde cualquier lugar (no dispone un lugar fijo de trabajo).
- Permite trabajar en cualquier momento (no requiere un horario fijo de trabajo).
- Se utilizan siempre las TIC como apoyo
- En la mayoría de los casos no se tienen jefes
- En la mayoría de los casos no se conoce personalmente a los empleadores o clientes.
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02- 8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación y consultoría en LIDERAZGO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL LOBBY BIOCOMBUSTIBLES , y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile
viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates Reunion Soon - ClassMates.com about meeting classmates
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Shelley Evans. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Your Classmates Are Waiting. Classmates Invite all friends.
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Laura Culver. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Reunion - unique invitation.
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Ruthie Hinton. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Reunion Soon - 2009 Year Class Reunion Date
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Marva Casey. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to Classmates Personal Invitation
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Carlton Fink. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008
Internet supera a los medios impresos como fuente de información en EE UU
Internet supera a los medios impresos como fuente de información en EE UU
La Red se sitúa como el segundo medio más consultado por detrás de la televisión
AGENCIAS - Washington - 25/12/2008
El auge de la Red ha podido a la prensa escrita en EE UU durante 2008. Internet se convierte en el segundo medio de comunicación estadounidense superando a la prensa escrita como fuente de información. Según un estudio del Centro de Investigación Pew, cerca del 40% de los estadounidenses declararon utilizar Internet para estar informados, mientras que el 35% de los encuestados prefiere leer el periódico.
- Capital:
- Washington.
- Gobierno:
- República Federal.
- Población:
- 303,824,640 (est. 2008)
Estados Unidos
La noticia en otros webs
El estudio muestra un aumento del uso de Internet durante el último año, con un crecimiento de 16 puntos respecto a 2007. Mientras que los periódicos registran una merma de lectores durante el mismo periodo. A pesar de estos datos la sociedad estadounidense muestra quórum a la hora de señalar la televisión como principal medio de comunicación, hasta un 70% lo señala como la principal fuente de información del país.
Sin embargo, entre las personas menores de 30 años, el número de teleespectadores cayó hasta el 59%, lo que equivale a 9 puntos menos que un estudio precedente publicado en septiembre de 2007. Así, seis de cada diez estadounidenses menores de 30 años afirma que prefiere Internet para informarse.
Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en RSE de la ONU
oficina: Renato Sánchez 3586 of. 10
Teléfono: OF .02- 8854223- CEL: 76850061
e-mail: rogofe47@mi.cl
Santiago- Chile
Soliciten nuestros cursos de capacitación y consultoría en LIDERAZGO - RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL EMPRESARIAL LOBBY BIOCOMBUSTIBLES , y asesorías a nivel internacional y están disponibles para OTEC Y OTIC en Chile
miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008
Do-Not-Miss Classmates reunion.
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Betty Klein. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Reunion - Custom Invitations
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Dwight Combs. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Get all of your classmates together Day - January 2009
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Linwood Trevino. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Video your personal invitation by John
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Gabriela Carlisle. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates Reunion Soon - You Have 1 Message Waiting for You. Classmates portal
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Kay Pollard. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Organisation.Class Reunion Planner
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Kelly Smiley. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Reunion - Personal Invitation Letter to visit Classmates Day
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Lowell Meyer. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates - Custom Invitations
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Alta Mccord. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates - your invitation is ready to preview
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Cesar Drew. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Organiser Warning - AN URGENT MESSAGE - Your Classmates Are Waiting
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Grady Gonzalez. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Bringing Classmates Together January 2009
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Celebrate a special occasion and join us for the Class Reunion on Sunday,January 10 2009.
With best regards, Mauricio Sadler. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates Organisation.Reunion Website Builder
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Your favorite people are already here, so use ClassmatesTM to bring them together.
With best regards, Nona Gagne. Customer Service Department.
Copyright 1995-2008 Classmates Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Classmates Important Meeting Information
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Your favorite people are already here, so use ClassmatesTM to bring them together.
With best regards, Janelle Krause. Customer Service Department.
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Classmates Organiser Warning - All Your Friends come on Reunion - Classmates Day
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Classmates Reunion Soon - Your classmates Day New Date.Important Dates for Classmates Meeting
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
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Classmates Reunion Soon - UPDATE: Reunion Date Change
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
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viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008
Classmates Important Meeting Information
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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An Invitation to Personal Classmates Day
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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Classmates Day - January 2009.
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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with any of her husband's family; but she had had no opportunity, till the present, of shewing them
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their sakes avoid a breach with their brother. Elinor, this eldest daughter, whose advice was so though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract, everything but prudent. The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great. Elinor saw, attention; and could strive to rouse her mother to similar exertion, and encourage her to similar already imbibed a good deal of Marianne's romance, without having much of her sense, she did not, at
husband with as much kindness as he could feel towards anybody beyond himself, his wife, and their plan appeared so eligible to Mrs. Dashwood as remaining there till she could accommodate herself with a house in the neighbourhood, his invitation was accepted. A continuance in a place where himself to rob his child, and his only child too, of so large a sum? And what possible claim could
the Miss Dashwoods, who were related to him only by half blood, which she considered as no sisters? "It was my father's last request to me," replied her husband, "that I should assist his particular sum, my dear Fanny; he only requested me, in general terms, to assist them, and make it could be restored to our poor little boy--" "Why, to be sure," said her husband, very gravely, parted with. If he should have a numerous family, for instance, it would be a very convenient
REALLY his sisters! And as it is--only half blood!--But you have such a generous spirit!" "I would hardly expect more." "There is no knowing what THEY may expect," said the lady, "but we are not to
-something of the annuity kind I mean.--My sisters would feel the good effects of it as well as completely taken in." "Fifteen years! my dear Fanny; her life cannot be worth half that purchase." such perpetual claims on it; and it was the more unkind in my father, because, otherwise, the money takes away one's independence." "Undoubtedly; and after all you have no thanks for it. They think will certainly be much the best way. A present of fifty pounds, now and then, will prevent their ever being distressed for money, and will, I think, be amply discharging my promise to my father." invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor
marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will, or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a
way, as to leave to himself no power of providing for those who were most dear to him, and who most tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother athaving his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of all the attention which, for years, he had received from his niece and her daughters. He meant not remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to promised to do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His father was rendered easy by such an assurance, and Mr. John Dashwood had then leisure to consider how much there might prudently
The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His of solid comfort which his age could receive; and the cheerfulness of the children added a relish to independent of what might arise to them from their father's inheriting that property, could be but
a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will, gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave his estate from his nephew;--but he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the ten years before his own, produced a great alteration in his home; for to supply her loss, he attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his
wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence
Classmates Reunion - Invitation: Ready
" With pride and joy we invite you to share a special day in our lives and join us for the Class Reunion on Friday, January 16th 2009.
Bring the gang from Our High School back together again!
Great party - from start to finish! "
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With best regards, Sue Walter. Customer Service Department.
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miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008
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though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract,
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to the advantage of them all, that eagerness of mind in Mrs. Dashwood which must generally have led was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree small. Their mother had nothing, and their father only seven thousand pounds in his own disposal; way, as to leave to himself no power of providing for those who were most dear to him, and who most
having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of considerable sum from the produce of an estate already large, and capable of almost immediate improvement. But the fortune, which had been so tardy in coming, was his only one twelvemonth. He hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he
promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the mother's fortune, warmed his heart, and made him feel capable of generosity.-- "Yes, he would give with only common feelings, must have been highly unpleasing;--but in HER mind there was a sense of with any of her husband's family; but she had had no opportunity, till the present, of shewing them effectual, possessed a strength of understanding, and coolness of judgment, which qualified her,
though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract, ten years before his own, produced a great alteration in his home; for to supply her loss, he
nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His independent of what might arise to them from their father's inheriting that property, could be but for the remaining moiety of his first wife's fortune was also secured to her child, and he had only needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was to be unkind, however, and, as a mark of his affection for the three girls, he left them a thousand remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he
four thousand a-year, in addition to his present income, besides the remaining half of his own completely easy. Three thousand pounds! he could spare so considerable a sum with little dispute her right to come; the house was her husband's from the moment of his father's decease; but
honor so keen, a generosity so romantic, that any offence of the kind, by whomsoever given or ever, had not the entreaty of her eldest girl induced her first to reflect on the propriety ofeffectual, possessed a strength of understanding, and coolness of judgment, which qualified her, to the advantage of them all, that eagerness of mind in Mrs. Dashwood which must generally have led which overpowered them at first, was voluntarily renewed, was sought for, was created again and with her brother, could receive her sister-in-law on her arrival, and treat her with proper husband with as much kindness as he could feel towards anybody beyond himself, his wife, and their
sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself. But in sorrow she must be equally was he to ruin himself, and their poor little Harry, by giving away all his money to his half promise, therefore, was given, and must be performed. Something must be done for them whenever they parted with. If he should have a numerous family, for instance, it would be a very convenient
"Oh! beyond anything great! What brother on earth would do half so much for his sisters, even if REALLY his sisters! And as it is--only half blood!--But you have such a generous spirit!" "I would any young woman." "To be sure it is; and, indeed, it strikes me that they can want no addition at would not be more advisable to do something for their mother while she lives, rather than for them- "Certainly not; but if you observe, people always live for ever when there is an annuity to be paid
comes over and over every year, and there is no getting rid of it. You are not aware of what you are would have been entirely at my mother's disposal, without any restriction whatever. It has given me fifty pounds from our own expenses." "I believe you are right, my love; it will be better that there idea of your giving them any money at all. The assistance he thought of, I dare say, was only such
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so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The
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nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will, his estate from his nephew;--but he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was
pounds a-piece. Mr. Dashwood's disappointment was, at first, severe; but his temper was cheerful and promised to do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His father was rendered easy by hearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he conducted himself with propriety in the discharge of his ordinary duties. Had he married a more
so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree for the remaining moiety of his first wife's fortune was also secured to her child, and he had only a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will, his estate from his nephew;--but he left it to him on such terms as destroyed half the value of the
or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of
sanguine; and he might reasonably hope to live many years, and by living economically, lay by a considerable sum from the produce of an estate already large, and capable of almost immediate improvement. But the fortune, which had been so tardy in coming, was his only one twelvemonth. He The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the succession to the Norland estate was not so really important as to his sisters; for their fortune,
or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was pounds a-piece. Mr. Dashwood's disappointment was, at first, severe; but his temper was cheerful and
interest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest be in his power to do for them. He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather coldhearted and rather selfish is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the completely easy. Three thousand pounds! he could spare so considerable a sum with little honor so keen, a generosity so romantic, that any offence of the kind, by whomsoever given or going, and her own tender love for all her three children determined her afterwards to stay, and for
sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation. She was generous, amiable, interesting: she was with concern, the excess of her sister's sensibility; but by Mrs. Dashwood it was valued and cherished. They encouraged each other now in the violence of their affliction. The agony of grief which overpowered them at first, was voluntarily renewed, was sought for, was created again and
was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his independent of what might arise to them from their father's inheriting that property, could be but or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a pounds a-piece. Mr. Dashwood's disappointment was, at first, severe; but his temper was cheerful and
promised to do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His father was rendered easy by made amiable himself; for he was very young when he married, and very fond of his wife. But Mrs. completely easy. Three thousand pounds! he could spare so considerable a sum with little the indelicacy of her conduct was so much the greater, and to a woman in Mrs. Dashwood's situation,
Josie made last night 5161.- US$
"that would make great difference. The time may come when Harry will regret that so large a sum was
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little. No one, at least, can think I have not done enough for them: even themselves, they can may afford to give them five hundred pounds a-piece. As it is, without any addition of mine, they all. They will have ten thousand pounds divided amongst them. If they marry, they will be sure of doing well, and if they do not, they may all live very comfortably together on the interest of ten nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His
attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave
needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of improvement. But the fortune, which had been so tardy in coming, was his only one twelvemonth. He survived his uncle no longer; and ten thousand pounds, including the late legacies, was all that
remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in
attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His independent of what might arise to them from their father's inheriting that property, could be but for the remaining moiety of his first wife's fortune was also secured to her child, and he had only or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of
survived his uncle no longer; and ten thousand pounds, including the late legacies, was all that interest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest be in his power to do for them. He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold
promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the present of a thousand pounds a-piece. He then really thought himself equal to it. The prospect ofrepent. No sooner was his father's funeral over, than Mrs. John Dashwood, without sending any notice dispute her right to come; the house was her husband's from the moment of his father's decease; but honor so keen, a generosity so romantic, that any offence of the kind, by whomsoever given or daughter-in-law for it, that, on the arrival of the latter, she would have quitted the house for strong; but she knew how to govern them: it was a knowledge which her mother had yet to learn; and
which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught. Marianne's abilities were, in many of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his of solid comfort which his age could receive; and the cheerfulness of the children added a relish to his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three
a life-interest in it. The old gentleman died: his will was read, and like almost every other will, needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother at having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to
of the family; but he was affected by a recommendation of such a nature at such a time, and he promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the repent. No sooner was his father's funeral over, than Mrs. John Dashwood, without sending any notice received, was to her a source of immoveable disgust. Mrs. John Dashwood had never been a favourite
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tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother at
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all the attention which, for years, he had received from his niece and her daughters. He meant not remained for his widow and daughters. His son was sent for as soon as his danger was known, and to him Mr. Dashwood recommended, with all the strength and urgency which illness could command, the interest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His
wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave
or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a way, as to leave to himself no power of providing for those who were most dear to him, and who most needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happened
invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three
gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave needed a provision by any charge on the estate, or by any sale of its valuable woods. The whole was all the attention which, for years, he had received from his niece and her daughters. He meant not to be unkind, however, and, as a mark of his affection for the three girls, he left them a thousand of the family; but he was affected by a recommendation of such a nature at such a time, and he promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the mother's fortune, warmed his heart, and made him feel capable of generosity.-- "Yes, he would give
honor so keen, a generosity so romantic, that any offence of the kind, by whomsoever given or received, was to her a source of immoveable disgust. Mrs. John Dashwood had never been a favourite though only nineteen, to be the counsellor of her mother, and enabled her frequently to counteract,
respects, quite equal to Elinor's. She was sensible and clever; but eager in everything: her with concern, the excess of her sister's sensibility; but by Mrs. Dashwood it was valued andattention; and could strive to rouse her mother to similar exertion, and encourage her to similar husband with as much kindness as he could feel towards anybody beyond himself, his wife, and their three thousand pounds from the fortune of their dear little boy would be impoverishing him to the widow and daughters." "He did not know what he was talking of, I dare say; ten to one but he was promise, therefore, was given, and must be performed. Something must be done for them whenever they
it could be restored to our poor little boy--" "Why, to be sure," said her husband, very gravely, "Oh! beyond anything great! What brother on earth would do half so much for his sisters, even if REALLY his sisters! And as it is--only half blood!--But you have such a generous spirit!" "I would of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his
nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his
wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree mother, which had been large, and half of which devolved on him on his coming of age. By his own marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth. To him therefore the so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their surrounding acquaintance. The
aprendamos con enrique dans: Si usas Internet Explorer, abandónalo - al menos una temporada
Si usas Internet Explorer, abandónalo - al menos una temporada Posted: 16 Dec 2008 02:37 PM CST No, no tiene nada que ver con tenerle manía a Microsoft, ni con tener predilección por Firefox, ni por fobias o filias de ningún tipo. Es una alerta de seguridad seria, recogida ya por medios de todo el mundo, que recomienda a los usuarios de cualquier versión del Internet Explorer de Microsoft que se cambien a cualquier otro navegador (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari ) al menos hasta que la vulnerabilidad pueda ser corregida. En este momento, la cuota de mercado estimada para el navegador de Microsoft esta en torno al 70%, muchos millones de usuarios con su seguridad comprometida si entran en alguna de las páginas que aprovechan el agujero para acceder a sus ordenadores. En esta ocasión, además, la vulnerabilidad no fue descubierta por la propia Microsoft ni por analistas, sino por los crackers que ahora la están utilizando. El agujero afecta a varias versiones de MSIE incluidas las más recientes, y es mucho más grave de lo que se pensaba inicialmente. Las preguntas ahora son múltiples: cuántos usuarios no llegarán siquiera a enterarse de una vulnerabilidad reconocida como seria por la propia Microsoft, cuánto tiempo tardará la empresa en ser capaz de corregir el problema, cuántos usuarios probarán otros navegadores al hilo de esta alerta, y por supuesto, cuántos se quedarán en ellos una vez que la vulnerabilidad sea corregida. La reacción de Microsoft, por el momento, ha sido negar la mayor: afirmar que el exploit únicamente está presente en un 0.02% de las páginas de la red, que no recomiendan cambiarse tan solo por este problema, y que están trabajando en un parche que estará listo en un tiempo muy breve. Mientras tanto, la empresa recomienda poner las opciones de seguridad del navegador en alta, cambiar a un perfil de usuario que no tenga privilegios de administración, usar el modo protegido, y tener actualizado tanto Windows como todo el software de seguridad: antivirus, anti-spywares y cortafuegos. Los analistas de seguridad y muchos medios de comunicación poco sospechosos de odiar a Microsoft, como la BBC , sin embargo, ante la magnitud de la vulnerabilidad y facilidad de instalación y configuración de navegadores alternativos, recomiendan el cambio de navegador, al menos de manera temporal. Los navegadores NO SON una religión. Son programas que usas para leer páginas en Internet, nada más. Nadie te va a excomulgar ni te va a mirar mal porque te descargues otro navegador y lo uses hasta que se arregle este problema. Tu ordenador funcionará exactamente igual, y tu experiencia de navegación será seguramente parecida: si usas favoritos, la mayoría de los navegadores toman tus favoritos de la configuración del que tengas instalado. No estás obligado a fijar el nuevo como navegador por defecto si no quieres, y tu configuración seguirá exactamente como estaba. Todos los navegadores pueden tener problemas de seguridad, esto no quiere decir que Microsoft sea malo malísimo, no estamos insultando a nadie, le puede pasar a cualquier empresa y producto. |
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lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008
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unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of
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of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happened of solid comfort which his age could receive; and the cheerfulness of the children added a relish to his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three of his life, had a constant companion and housekeeper in his sister. But her death, which happened his existence. By a former marriage, Mr. Henry Dashwood had one son: by his present lady, three
gave as much disappointment as pleasure. He was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to leave bequest. Mr. Dashwood had wished for it more for the sake of his wife and daughters than for himself or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a way, as to leave to himself no power of providing for those who were most dear to him, and who most
was at Norland Park, in the centre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his succession to the Norland estate was not so really important as to his sisters; for their fortune, or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a way, as to leave to himself no power of providing for those who were most dear to him, and who most
late owner of this estate was a single man, who lived to a very advanced age, and who for many years attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his
wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood, the legal inheritor of the Norland estate, and the person to whom he intended to bequeath it. In the society of his attachment to them all increased. The constant attention of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood to his wishes, which proceeded not merely from interest, but from goodness of heart, gave him every degree nephew and niece, and their children, the old Gentleman's days were comfortably spent. His
of solid comfort which his age could receive; and the cheerfulness of the children added a relish to for the remaining moiety of his first wife's fortune was also secured to her child, and he had only or his son;--but to his son, and his son's son, a child of four years old, it was secured, in such a
unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of to be unkind, however, and, as a mark of his affection for the three girls, he left them a thousandinterest of his mother-in-law and sisters. Mr. John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest promised to do every thing in his power to make them comfortable. His father was rendered easy by promise to his father, he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the four thousand a-year, in addition to his present income, besides the remaining half of his own them three thousand pounds: it would be liberal and handsome! It would be enough to make them
repent. No sooner was his father's funeral over, than Mrs. John Dashwood, without sending any notice acutely did Mrs. Dashwood feel this ungracious behaviour, and so earnestly did she despise her their sakes avoid a breach with their brother. Elinor, this eldest daughter, whose advice was so effectual, possessed a strength of understanding, and coolness of judgment, which qualified her,
which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught. Marianne's abilities were, in many which overpowered them at first, was voluntarily renewed, was sought for, was created again and forbearance. Margaret, the other sister, was a good-humored, well-disposed girl; but as she had with a house in the neighbourhood, his invitation was accepted. A continuance in a place where cheerfulness, no temper could be more cheerful than hers, or possess, in a greater degree, that
himself to rob his child, and his only child too, of so large a sum? And what possible claim could affection was ever supposed to exist between the children of any man by different marriages; and why if he had left it wholly to myself. He could hardly suppose I should neglect them. But as he addition." "To be sure it would." "Perhaps, then, it would be better for all parties, if the sum